Siemens西门子  6SN2132-1BF11-1BA0 位置编码器

Siemens西门子 6SN2132-1BF11-1BA0 位置编码器-产品快照


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供应商名称 电话 备注
众业达电气(深圳)有限公司 0755-89314987,13509669211
大连鼎宏科技有限公司 0411-83693111
东莞市欧能自动化设备有限公司 18680502757
福建萤光电气科技发展有限公司 18359060969
福州福大自动化科技有限公司 0591-28482265
广州锋力五金机电有限公司 020-87359185
广州汇尼克机电设备有限公司 020-85549829
海格曼商贸(上海)有限公司 4008215282
深圳市格雷创科技有限公司 400-811-6961 微信及邮件咨询,官网
深圳市行健自动化股份有限公司 0755-86336499
深圳市昊普锐科技有限公司 0755-82127363
深圳市朗助机电有限公司 0755-83975718
深圳市曼伯特实业发展有限公司 0755-82032366
苏州工品汇信息科技有限公司 4000496999



Siemens西门子 6SN2132-1BF11-1BA0 位置编码器

6SN2132-1BF11-1BA0 | Siemens Simodrive Posmo A Profibus-dp Programmable Positioning Motor Standard Slave Brushless Motor 24 V 75 W Planetary Gear Unit I=8 Ip54 Incremental Pos. Encoder 2-wire Cable Terminal Connect.


Description Siemens 6SN2132-1BF11-1BA0 12 month Northern Industrial Warranty Fully functionally tested, cleaned and factory reset (if necessary) Professionally refurbished Refurbished items may feature minor cosmetic blemishes and are not supplied with original packaging or accessories. Supplies are limited and subject to prior sale SIMODRIVE POSMO A PROFIBUS-DP PROGRAMMABLE POSITIONING MOTOR STANDARD SLAVE BRUSHLESS MOTOR 24 V 75 W PLANETARY GEAR UNIT I=8 IP54 INCREMENTAL POS. ENCODER 2-WIRE CABLE TERMINAL CONNECT. About the Manufacturer Siemens Simodrive converter systems provide a robust drive system for machine tools. At nicontrols we support the whole Simodrive family including Simodrive 611 and Simodrive POSMO. With Simodrive, the design is modular which means you enjoy extra flexibility. Modules such as infeed modules, power modules and performance modules can be selected depending on the task at hand and can be expanded later on as your needs change. Typical applications for Simodrive include machine tools, robot and manipulators, mass production and job shop production, form and tool production, presses and packaging machine, and production for machines for glass, wood, stone and textiles. 6SN2132-1BF11-1BA0 is part of the Simodrive range. Shop this part and other Simodrive modules including LT and ER modules online now. Specification Alternative Partnumber N/A Product Status Obsolete Range Simodrive Posmo Range type Servo Motor decorateTable('product-attribute-specs-table'); PDFs & Videos Downloads We currently have no 6SN2132-1BF11-1BA0 manuals uploaded but you can contact our technical team for help.

Alternative Partnumber N/A Product Status Obsolete Range Simodrive Posmo Range type Servo Motor



