- 品牌:
- DYN54018
- 型号:
- DYN54018
- 重量:
- 0.00908 kg
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供应商名称 | 电话 | 备注 |
暂无展示,可咨询在线客服 | 400-811-6961 | 微信咨询,cs11@gchane.com , QQ1429311537 |
54018 -- 1-1/4" (32 mm) Dia. Mini-Dynorbital Disc Pad, Rubber-Face
1-1/4" (32 mm) Dia. Mini-Dynorbital Disc Pad, Rubber-Face Foam, Medium Density, 1/4"-20 Female Thread Link to to dynabrade FEATURES Greatly enhance the Versatility of your Mini-Dynorbital Sander. For wet sanding operations, 6 mm thick sponge, 60 durometer ruber. Specifications Max. RPM 12,000 RPM , 1-1/4" (32 mm) Dia. Mini-Dynorbital Disc Pad, Rubber-Face Foam, Medium Density, 1/4"-20 Female Thread Link to to dynabrade FEATURES Greatly enhance the Versatility of your Mini-Dynorbital Sander. For wet sanding operations, 6 mm thick sponge, 60 durometer ruber. Specifications Max. RPM 12,000 RPM
Link to to dynabrade : http://www.dynabrade.com/dyn10/content.php?page=catalog