SPIRAX SARCO 1458800 疏水阀-产品快照
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- 1458800
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SPIRAX SARCO 1458800 疏水阀
Spirax Sarco 14bar Iron Thermostatic Steam Trap, 1 in BSP Female
Spirax Sarco
Ball Float Steam Trap FT14 Stainless steel internals that can tolerate corrosive condensateIntegral automatic air venting facilityCompact and lightweight reducing installation costsImmediate discharge with clean tight shut-offNo back-up of condensate ensures maximum plant effieciencyRobust construction to guarantee long life against waterhammer and vibrationLarge discharge capacity in relation to size Technical Specifications & Materials Max Operating Temp (°C) Body Material Cover Material Type Valve Seat Material Weight 250 DIN 1693 GGG 40//40.3 SG Iron DIN 1693 GGG 40//40.3 SG Iron BSP Female; FT14-4.5 BS 970 431 S29 Stainless Steel 2.9 kg Cast Iron Steam Traps Iron Steam Traps All units PN16 with Stainless Steel internal parts and Reinforced Exfoliated Graphite gaskets, Straight Orientation; Maximum Operating Pressure - 14bar g; Maximum Allowable Pressure - 16 bar g; Maximum Cold Hydraulic Test Pressure - 24bar g; Cover Bolts Material - BS 3692 Gr.10 Steel; ; Trap Type Thermostatic; Connection 1 in BSP Female; Orientation Vertical; Maximum Working Pressure 14 bar; Maximum Temperature +240°C; Body Material Iron; Gasket Material Graphite; Connection Gender Female; Connection Size 1in; Thread Standard or Connection Type BSP;
Steam Traps