Microchip TDGL008 控制器-产品快照
- 品牌:
- Microchip
- 型号:
- TDGL008
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欧时电子元件(上海)有限公司 | ||
上海贸泽电子有限公司 |
Microchip TDGL008 控制器
Digilent Cerebot MX3cK Development Board
Cerebot MX3cK Development Board The Cerebot MX3cK is a microcontroller development board based on the Microchip PIC32MX320F128H, a member of the 32-bit PIC32 microcontroller family. It is compatible with Digilents line of Pmod™ peripheral modules, and is suitable for use with the Microchip MPLAB IDE tools. The Cerebot MX3cK is also compatible for use with the chipKIT™ MPIDE development environment. ChipKIT and MPIDE form a PIC32 based system compatible with many existing Arduino™ code examples, reference materials and other resources.The Cerebot MX3cK is designed to be easy to use and suitable for use by anyone from beginners to advanced users for experimenting with electronics and embedded control systems. It is intended to be used with either the Multi-Platform IDE, (modified Arduino IDE), MPIDE, or the Microchip MPLAB IDE. The kit contains everything needed to start developing embedded applications using the MPIDE. In order to use the MPLAB IDE, an additional programming/debugging device, such as a Microchip PICkit3 is required. PIC32MX320F128H 80MHz 32-bit MIPS-core processor, 128KB Flash memory, 16KB RAM42 x GPIO12 x analogue inputs5 x 12-pin Pmod headersI2C serial bus connectorUSB port for programmingFootprint for ICSP header (PICkit 3)Powered from USB or mains power adapter PIC32 Development Tools ; Classification Development Board; Technology 32 bit;
Processor & Microcontroller Development Kits