供应商名称 | 电话 | 备注 |
北京万特轴承有限公司 | 010-67670870 | |
米思米(中国)精密机械贸易有限公司 | 021-67108701 | |
深圳市哈瓦洛轴承机电有限公司 | 0755-26403931 | |
上海新日升传动科技股份有限公司 | 4008822868 | |
上海凤和实业有限公司 | 021-52280610 | |
广州恩斯凯轴承有限公司 | 021-51606000 | |
广东广荣轴承有限公司 | 0769-22451028 | |
广东大华轴承有限公司 | 0757-23315050 | |
佛山市顺德区德润机械贸易有限公司 | 0757-28885600 | |
佛山佰轴美科轴承有限公司 | 0757-86338061 | |
必迪艾(天津)轴承有限公司 | 022-25324166 | |
优耐特(上海)动力技术有限公司 | 4006375117 | 动力技术解决方案 |
NSK WBK10-01A 螺丝钉
NSK Supporrt Bearing Unit, For Shaft Diameter 10mm
Rolled Ball Screws - Support Bearing Unit Rolled ball screws offer a quick and economical method of assembling a highly accurate, repeatable and smooth operating linear motion system. Interchangeable threaded shafts and nuts in 14, 20 and 25mm diameters. The threaded shaft is not machined so it can be modified to an application dimension or a standard mounting nut kit is available. The threaded shafts are available in a range of lengths and leads. Each support bearing unit contains a housing with seals, bearings, retaining cover, spacer, lock nut and locking screw. The screw shaft requires machining to suit a support bearing unit. The same support unit is required for 20 and 25mm diameter systems. Ball Screws ; For Shaft Diameter 10mm;
Ball Screws - Supports/Pillow Blocks