Leeson利森 6200507 电动机零件-产品快照
- 品牌:
- Leeson
- 型号:
- 6200507
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供应商名称 | 电话 | 备注 |
深圳市格雷创科技有限公司 | 400-811-6961 | 微信及邮件咨询,官网:www.gchane.com |
Leeson利森 6200507 电动机零件
Catalog Number: 6200507 - In Stock Model Number: A-S91269-S2 Frame 56-140TC Description: HAZARDOUS LOCATION
Important: When ordering LEESON internal and external repair parts, it is highly recommended that you confirm the part number correctness. Electric Motor Wholesale does not accept returns on LEESON AC Motor replacement parts. Please click on this link and provide the following motor information to confirm the part number needed. LEESON Parts Authentication HAZARDOUS LOCATION MOTOR PARTS: Explosion proof motors are UL certified. If any modification/repair has been preformed, the motor MUST be re-certified by a UL certified repair shop. EMW Inc. is providing a replacement part only and takes no liability of the handing of installation of this product part. By purchasing (EMW Customer) this part you agree to all the liabilities of the proper installation and re-certifications required by LAW. Any deviation of this procedure will put all liabilities and responsibilities to purchasing customer and will waive any such liabilities to EMW Inc..
Electric Motor Parts