Leeson利森 G150038.60 电机-产品快照
- 品牌:
- Leeson
- 型号:
- G150038.60
- 重量:
- 136.2 kg
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供应商名称 | 电话 | 备注 |
深圳市格雷创科技有限公司 | 400-811-6961 | 微信及邮件咨询,官网:www.gchane.com |
Leeson利森 G150038.60 电机
40HP LEESON 3550RPM 286TS DP 3PH MOTOR G150038.60
Catalog Number: G150038.60 Description: 40HP,3550RPM,286TS,DP,3PH,60HZ Ship Weight: 300 lbs.
DP Models: For use where water and dust exposure is moderate. Ideally suited for use on pumps, compressors, blowers, fans, and other direct or belt-driven applications. Features: UL Recognized Component Listing and CSA approval. Warranty – 12 months from date of first use or 18 months from date of manufacture, whichever comes first. DP Models: For use where water and dust exposure is moderate. Ideally suited for use on pumps, compressors, blowers, fans, and other direct or belt-driven applications. Features: UL Recognized Component Listing and CSA approval. Warranty – 12 months from date of first use or 18 months from date of manufacture, whichever comes first.
Electric Motors