Leeson利森 174999.00 电机控制-产品快照
- 品牌:
- Leeson
- 型号:
- 174999.00
- 重量:
- 4.994 kg
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供应商名称 | 电话 | 备注 |
深圳市格雷创科技有限公司 | 400-811-6961 | 微信及邮件咨询,官网:www.gchane.com |
Leeson利森 174999.00 电机控制
Catalog Number: 174999.00 Description: 1HP VFD/MICRO/NEMA4/EPOXY/115/230V/1PH INPUT Output Amps/Volts: 4.0/230V-3PH Ship Weight: 11 lbs.
This Leeson product is Non-Returnable. Please take the time to identify your product needs. It is the customer’s responsibility to review all product information provided to determine the correct mechanical and electrical characteristics needed for your application. If you need further assistance with this product to identify your product specifications, please contact our sales team to answer any questions you may have. LEESON Speedmaster Micro Series compact inverter offers "big drive" full features for adapting standard or premium efficiency three phase motors to adjustable speed operation. Complete, rugged WASHGUARD Food Safe Epoxy Coated enclosures for NEMA 4 (IP65) and NEMA 4/12 protection. No external cooling fan required on NEMA 4 (IP65) drives. NEMA 12 drives have external cooling fan. Fully Gasketed, water, oil and dust-tight enclosure. These Speedmaster Micro Series drives have the same features as the standard NEMA 1 units. Intelligent Power Module-IGBT's with a 16 bit Intel Microprocessor. User choice programming with: Choice of "Quick Start" factory presets and Built-in English programmable options via the key touch-pad. Output Frequency: 0-120Hz Overload Current Capacity: 150% for one minute, based on nominal output of the control. Speed reference signal. Choice of potentiometer, 0-10VDC, speed or load. Two auxiliary contacts: One form C relay and two open collector output. Preset speeds: Four. Slip Compensation. Adjustable carrier frequency. Adjustable acceleration and deceleration times. Forward/Reverse. DC braking-time and voltage adjustable. Password protected. Constant torque-with adjustable current limit. Rugged, heavy-gauge steel enclosures with barrier type terminal strips. Underwriter Laboratories Listed. Dynamic Braking is available as a kit for Installation in the field. Remote keypad is available as a kit for installation in the field or as a modification.
Motor Controls