30 K 5152 面板安装米

30 K 5152 面板安装米-产品快照

30 K 5152
30 K 5152

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30 K 5152 面板安装米

Pulse counter, 002, LCD, 1 preset, 12 to 24 VDC, 1 rel/1 trans

30 K 5152

Panel multifunctional preset counters, type Hengstler Tico 732. The device allows custom programming for operation as pulse counter (max. 2 presets), shift counter, batch counter, timer or tachometer (factory default = pulse counter); Features: compact DIN dimensions 48 x 48 mm (flange), cutout 45 x 45 mm, depth (behind panel): 93.5 mm. Degree of protection: IP 65 at the front, easy operation, direct selection of parameters by means of decade keyboard. Voltage supply: 12 to 24 VDC or 230 VAC/±10 %. Inputs: transistor PNP / NPN logic or NO contacts. One relay output with changeover contacts and a PNP transistor-output, depending on the selected mode. All signal times can be programmed individually, decimal mode programming is supported, retention time of non-volatile memory: at least 10 years, red 7.6 mm LED display or 9.0 mm LCD, –99.999 to 999.999. 2 programmable counter inputs: phase discriminator, differential mode (add/sub), count direction (count/direction), or adder mode (add/add), maximum counting frequency: max. 5.0 kHz, 2.5 kHz for 2-channel mode. All counters can be reset separately. Time counter mode: up to 3 decimal places (milliseconds). Tachometer mode: pulse width or period measurement. Timebase: 1/m or 1/s. Minimum frequency: 0.125 Hz. Technical attributes (type, display, preset, power supply, outputs (rel is relay, trans is Transistor)): 002, LCD, 1 preset, 12 to 24 VDC, 1 rel/1 trans

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