13 L 9930 胶带,电工胶带和修理带

13 L 9930 胶带,电工胶带和修理带-产品快照

13 L 9930
13 L 9930

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13 L 9930 胶带,电工胶带和修理带

Adhesive tape, double-sided, B 19, D 1.1 mm, white, 4613/19, 33 m roll

13 L 9930

Double-sided high-performance adhesive tapes, type 3 M VHB. For adhesive bonds that replace screws, rivets and spot-weld connections. This series is distinguished from standard foam adhesive tapes by a 100 % pure acrylic core and high cohesive strength; Properties coding: A = instant adhesive strength, B = structured surface, C = uniform distribution of tensile force, D = thermal resistance, E = resistance to solvents, F = resistance to weathering, G = highly energetic surface, H = low energy surface, K = can be applied at low temperatures, L = shock absorption also at low temperatures, M = shearing strength, ratings 1 to 5 are intended only as recommendation for use: ratings1 (very low) to 5 (excellent) compared to given criteria, based on tests. This information represents empirical data and is not suitable for specifications. Before using VHB adhesive tapes, please verify that the tape is suitable for the intended application. For highly energetic substrates. Ideal for metal to metal bonding, good adhesion on substrates which are easy to join. The thermal expansion coefficient of the joint parts should be similar; Adhesive: acrylate with closed-cell adhesive. Substrate material: foil. Properties, code/rating: A/3, B/2, C/4, D/5, E/3, F/4, G/5, H/2, K/3, L/3, M/3. Color: dark gray. Technical attributes (type, tape width (B), color, roll length): 4613/19, B 19, D 1.1 mm, white, 33 m

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Adhesive tapes, electrical tapes and repair tapes



