16 L 249 标签,标志和警告磁带-产品快照
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- 16 L 249
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- 16 L 249
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暂无展示,可咨询在线客服 | 400-811-6961 | 微信咨询,cs11@gchane.com , QQ1429311537 |
16 L 249 标签,标志和警告磁带
Hazardous Substances sign GHS 06, Acute Toxicity, Gefahr, 52 x 37 mm, self-adhesive, 013.30-9-V, sheet with 16 labels
16 L 249
Hazardous Substances signs, self-adhesive, type GHS 06 - Akute Toxizität. To EC Directive 1272/2008. Suitable for indoor and outdoor bonding; Material: glossy self-adhesive plastic foil. Material thickness: 0.08 to 0.1 mm. Thermal resistance: –30 to +70°C. Bonding temperature: above +8.0 °C. Technical attributes (type, auxiliary text, dimensions, number of labels per sheet): 013.30-9-V, Gefahr, 52 x 37 mm, 16 labels
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Labels, signs and warning tapes