12 H 5061 测试探针

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12 H 5061
12 H 5061

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12 H 5061 测试探针

F886.17SM, switching probe, plunger tip 17, TD 5.0 mm, T, uncoated

12 H 5061

Threaded switching probes (NO contact) for 3.5 mm grid, type Feinmetall F886. Larger tip diameter compared to F885. F886 with spring travel reduction compared to F885 by 0.8 mm due to its lock pin (anti-twist device for mounting); Maximum spring travel: 4.2 mm. Recommended spring travel: 4.0 mm. Prestress: 80 cN. Contact tolerance: ±0.09 mm, switch travel: 1.7 mm ±0.2 mm. Operating temperatures: –20 to +80 °C. Maximum switched current: 1.0 A. Typical contact resistance: 50 mohm. Dimension L: type SM = 44.8 mm, type LM = 51.3 mm. Barrel: gold-plated brass. Spring: silver-plated spring steel. Receptacle: gold-plated brass. Tip designs: 06 serrated (honeycomb), 17 shouldered flat probe. Spring force 350 cN ±20 %, type F886. Technical attributes (type, plunger with tip diameter (TD), material (plastic, plastic/Hostacom tips with integrated brass ring for minimizing wear caused by test objects with sharp edges, T = insulated cap CuBe), finish (unc. = uncoated)): F886.17SM, switching probe, plunger tip 17, TD 5.0 mm, T, uncoated

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