22 T 630 专业书籍和数据手册-产品快照
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- 22 T 630
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- 22 T 630
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22 T 630 专业书籍和数据手册
113, manual TTL-lex
22 T 630
ECA IC manuals. This reference guide was conceived to provide users with a collection of information on TTL circuits which has been accumulated in many years. Data comparison tables usually contain an overview of the most important operating and limit parameters of individual types. By contrast, the focus was set on a detailed descriptions of the functionality of all available TTL circuit families, in combination with a compressed presentation of average and limit data of each TTL family. The information is well arranged for fast orientation with regard to the field of application of a circuit and, moreover, it offers abundant information on switching functions and characteristics of the various TTL series. The spectrum comprises 809 circuit families from 7400 to 7450729 and therefore covers almost the entire range of known TTL chips on 1072 pages (DIN A4). Type : 113, manual TTL-lex
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Specialist books and data books