Leeson利森 109065.00 电机-产品快照
- 品牌:
- Leeson
- 型号:
- 109065.00
- 重量:
- 17.252 kg
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供应商名称 | 电话 | 备注 |
深圳市格雷创科技有限公司 | 400-811-6961 | 微信及邮件咨询,官网:www.gchane.com |
Leeson利森 109065.00 电机
1/4HP LEESON 1750RPM 56C TENV 90VDC MOTOR 109065
LEESON Catalog Number: 109065.00 Description: 1/4HP,1750RPM,56C,TENV,90VDC,WASHGUARD STAINLESS Ship Weight: 38lbs.
LEESON PREMIUM DC STAINLESS NEMA Frame Motors are designed specifically to meet the demanding sanitation requirements of the pharmaceutical, food processing, and beverage industries. These motors are also ideal in clean room and severe chemical-processing applications involving frequent washdown with nitric acid and caustic lye. In fact, WASHGUARD All-Stainless Motors include IEEE 841 severe-duty features right out of the box! Mechanical Protection Features: All exterior components are 300-series stainless steel Nothing on the exterior of the motor is painted or coasted in any way All sealing components are Viton for superior chemical resistance. Full fact nameplate is laser etched on the motor frame - no separately attached nameplate to trap dirt or contaminants. Endshields are O-ring sealed to the frame Double lip shaft seals on both ends of TEFC motors (shaft end only on TENV motors) Removable hydrophobic breathers in opposite shaft endbell and conduit box equalize pressure without allowing moisture to enter Exterior fastener use minimized reducing the number of entry point for moisture. There are no holes in the frame for attaching a nameplate. Bearing lock screws are located inside the motor and the conduit box mounted screws ave been eliminated Double-sealed bearings are pre-lubricated with moisture-resistant high-temperature grease for long life Interior coatings applied to armature and frame/magnet assemble protect against corrosion Brush tubes are sealed with Viton O-rings to keep moisture out New conduit box mounting system provides optimum sealing Easy to clean construction is BISSC Certified for bakery applications Electrical Performance and Protection Features: Linear speed/torque characteristics over entire speed range Armature windings are immersed and cured in a polyester insulating varnish for extra moisture-resistance High starting torque for hard to start loads Use with LEESON SPEEDMASTER DC motor controllers for optimum performance Standards are Approvals: UL Recognized and CSA certified. Listed under BISSC authorization number 769 NOTE: This motor is totally enclosed non-ventilated. RPM 1750 HP 1/4 Serv. Factor 1.0 KW Form Factor 1.38 Amps 3.1 KW2 Form Factor 2 FLA2 Volts 90 Frame 56C Max Amb 40 Duty CONT TYPE DN Insul Class F Enclosure TENV Bearing OPE 6203 Protection NOT Protector Bearing PE 6205 EFF 67.5% Torque 9 LB-IN UL Yes CSA Yes CE No Motor Wt. 38 LB Nameplate 08113201 Lubrication POLYREX EM Carton Label Leeson Stainless Washguard Assembly 040024 Mounting C-Face Rigid Rotation RECONN
Electric Motors