Browning (Regal) 2AK20 X 5/8-产品快照
- 品牌:
- Browning
- 型号:
- Browning (Regal) 2AK20 X 5/8
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供应商名称 | 电话 | 备注 |
必迪艾(天津)轴承有限公司 | 022-25324166 | |
佛山佰轴美科轴承有限公司 | 0757-86338061 |
Browning (Regal) 2AK20 X 5/8
Browning (Regal) 2AK20 X 5/8
Browning (Regal) 2AK20 X 5/8
2AK20 X 5/8, Bushing Bore V-Belt Pulley, Section Size: 3L, 4L, A, Grooves: 2, Pulley Material: Cast Iron
Product Features & Specifications Finished bore sheaves provide more economy to the customer with a single component to purchase Sheaves are balanced and accurately machined to minimize vibration Sheaves provided with the durability of a power coat paint which protects product from rusting in high moisture environments Bored to size Number of Grooves: 2 See Diagram Image Outside Diameter: 2 in See Diagram Image Length Through Bore: 1-21/32 in See Diagram Image Face Width: 1-3/8 in See Diagram Image Belt Section Size: 3L, 4L, A Bore Type: Finished with Keyway Bore Diameter: 5/8 in Material: Cast Iron Pitch Diameter: 1.46 (3L Section) in, 1.8 (4L Section/A Section) in Overall Width: 1-27/32 in Pulley Construction: Plain Keyway Size: 3/16 x 3/32 in
2AK20 X 5/8