Gates 330H075

Gates 330H075-产品快照

Gates 330H075
Gates 330H075

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Gates 330H075

Gates 330H075

Gates 330H075

9257-3103 H Belt - Number of Toothed Sides: 1, Pitch: 1/2 in, Neoprene, Number of Teeth: 66, Overall Width: 3/4 in

Product Features & Specifications Fiberglass tensile cord provides high strength, excellent flex life, and high resistance to elongation Neoprene body provides protection against grime, grease, oil and moisture Nylon tooth facing provides a durable wear surface for long service life Eliminates lubrication and re-tensioning to reduce maintenance and labor required on drives Recommended pulleys: PowerGrip® timing pulleys Pitch: 1/2” Suitable for office machines, machine tools, postage equipment, sewing machines, vending machines, agriculture, outdoor power equipment, food processing, HVAC, oil fields, wood, paper, sand and gravel applications Number of Teeth: 66 See Diagram Image Overall Width: 3/4 in See Diagram Image Pitch: 1/2 in See Diagram Image Belt Type: H Number of Toothed Sides: 1 Material: Neoprene Trade Number: 330H Tooth Profile: Trapezoidal Reinforcing Cord Material: Fiberglass Operating Temperature Range: -30 to +180 °F Resistance Features: Oil Resistant




